Some proposals


Project Overview:

In this project, I created mock-ups of web designs for various clients using Adobe XD to create a user-friendly and visually appealing interface.

Design Approach:

I started with two voluntary projects for small businesses in the local area – Milestone Chilmind and L&J Total Cleaning. I utilized Adobe XD to create a comprehensive design that would meet their requirements and improve their online presence.

Key Features:

The designs included in this project showcase my ability to create user-friendly interfaces and visually appealing designs. My use of Adobe XD allowed me to present my clients with detailed mock-ups that they could use to see how their websites would look and function before they were built.

Technologies Used:

For these projects, I utilized Adobe XD to create mock-ups of the web designs. I also gained experience in e-commerce web design through the ongoing project with Alba Natural. This custom template was created with the aim of learning about and improving my skills in e-commerce design, utilizing WooCommerce.




Please find examples of mock-ups of web designs that I have created for clients in the past, using XD to create a better user interface and design.

These first two pieces of work were voluntary work for small businesses in the local area:

  • Milestone Chilmind.
  • L&J Total cleaning.

Finally, this final project is in progress in order to keep learning about ecommerce web design with WooCommerce. Alba natural is a custom template made for me in order to achieve some of the targets mentioned.




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