Interactive Color Gradient Transition with GSAP and BarbaJS (on progress)

Source: Gsap Page transition Animation

Project Overview:

This project showcases my skills in using GSAP, a Javascript library for animations, and BarbaJS, a library for creating smooth transitions between pages. The goal of this project was to create an interactive colour gradient transition with an arrow button and an online shop explorer.

Design Approach:

I was driven to learn and explore the capabilities of GSAP, and as I was delving deeper into the library, I found myself drawn to creating an interactive colour gradient transition. My aim was to create an engaging user experience that showcases my skills in animation and transitions.

Key Features:

  • Interactive color gradient transition using GSAP
  • Smooth transitions between pages using BarbaJS
  • An online shop explorer, which showcases different products
  • An arrow button that triggers a color gradient change

Technologies Used:

  • GSAP (GreenSock Animation Platform)
  • BarbaJS
  • HTML, CSS, and Javascript

Challenges and Solutions:

One of the major challenges I faced was to ensure the smoothness of the transitions between pages, which I solved by using BarbaJS. Additionally, I faced some challenges in creating the colour gradient transition with GSAP, but I was able to overcome them by researching and experimenting with different techniques.


This project helped me to develop my skills in using GSAP and BarbaJS, and has given me a deeper understanding of how to create engaging and interactive animations and transitions for the web. It is also an addition to my portfolio, which showcases my skills and potential as a front-end developer.

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